The Three Dimensions of Administrative Law


  • Eduardo Jordão FGV Law School



administrative law, dimensions, legal, managerial, political


My claim is that administrative law has three dimensions: legal, managerial and political. I intend to present them and to discuss their relations with each other. I also plan to show how the tridimensional framework can be helpful and contribute to the development of this branch of law. The tridimensional conception of administrative law provides relevant analytical uses. First, it allows one to understand the dilemmas involved in each administrative choice. Second, it gives meaning to the differences found in the solutions that different jurisdictions give to similar legal problems. Third, it permits to identify and rationalize historical fluctuations that happen inside the same jurisdiction. Fourth, the tridimensional framework has the merit of overcoming a monistic conception of administrative law, which for long fails to capture the complexity of contemporary public administration. And it can open room for a more realistic justification of options inside administrative law. I will develop these points further.

Biografia do Autor

  • Eduardo Jordão, FGV Law School
    Professor of Law, FGV Law School (Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil). PhD at Paris Univeristé (Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Roma (Sapienza). E-mail:


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Como Citar

JORDÃO, Eduardo. The Three Dimensions of Administrative Law. A&C - Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional, Belo Horizonte, v. 19, n. 75, p. 21–38, 2019. DOI: 10.21056/aec.v20i75.1092. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 fev. 2025.