The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: risk regulation and standardization systems




Artificial Intelligence; Administrative law; European Union law; risk regulation; Technical Standards.


AI has been consolidated in recent years as a central line of action in the strategy of public administrations, and the AI Regulation approved by the EU intends to become a pioneering global standard for the regulation of this technology. This article analyses the nature and main characteristics of this regulation approved on 13 March 2024 by the European Parliament. The study conceptualises the EU Regulation as part of a normative trend, existing both at European and international level, consisting of the regulation of risks and situations of uncertainty. On this premise, the paper analyses the legal architecture of the norm, which revolves around a conformity assessment system that relies, in its turn, on three elements: (1) risk management instruments applicable to AI developers and implementers, (2) a procedure for the development of technical standards that will determine the specific content of the obligations of the regulation,  and (3) the creation of a governance system for the implementation and verification of such obligations.

Author Biography

  • Javier Miranzo-Díaz, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

    Profesor Contratado Doctor de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Cuenca, España). Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; Máster en Contratación Pública; Máster en Derecho Medioambiental y Sostenibilidad; Licenciado en Derecho; Diplomado en Derecho británico (University of Kent). Investigador del Centro de Estudios Europeos “Luis Ortega Álvarez” y miembro del Observatorio de Contratación Pública de España. Director del Máster en Derecho Medioambiental de la UCLM. 


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How to Cite

MIRANZO-DÍAZ, Javier. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: risk regulation and standardization systems. A&C - Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional, Belo Horizonte, v. 24, n. 96, p. 43–78, 2024. DOI: 10.21056/aec.v24i96.1932. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 feb. 2025.